Saturday 3 October 2009

Lets Get Together

Went thru a lot of comments on Bihar mentioning about the sorry state of affairs in all respects - be it Politics, Bureaucracy, Policing, Education, Caste system, Land reforms & the list goes on.."why can't we work together", is the question that I keep asking myself - We started with one Super 30 - Today we have 4-5 mushroomed over - all trying to prove a point, at times, for a good cause, though; we have more than half a dozen societies catering to different needs - few in Science & technology space while few striving for social change & some providing to health needs - Can' we all get together & do something "BIG" - I am sure it is possible still keeping individual identities because all are doing something commendable at their own level - Today is the need to do something that doesn't remain limited to a society, place, region; We have to make the presence felt institutionally before the rigor dies down - would like to request all those from Bihar, be it from the field of Education, Diverse professions like Medical, IT, Engineering, Social groups etc to come together & start something very concrete with a Roap map for the next 5-10 years - I am sure we can do it & if we all are there, I am sure we can create what we are expecting our erstwhile politicians to do - "Lets together be the change agent for a better Bihar"

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